Sunday, October 29, 2017

Giving Tuesday - November 28, 2017

Our Lady of Lourdes Shrine is an oasis in the middle of the city.

The Shrine is a replica of the Grotto in Lourdes, France.  Incorporated into the Grotto are two stones taken from the stone upon which Our Lady appeared in Lourdes.  The water from the Grotto flows freely over one of these holy relics.

Since its opening (May 30, 1926) thousands of pilgrims from across the country and from Canada have come to honor Our Lady and place their petitions before her.  Hundreds of favors, both spiritual and temporal, have been reported as granted.

Today, the Shrine, staffed by the Sisters of the Most Holy Trinity, is available for pilgrims and parish groups to come for prayer and reflections.  The Sisters host and conduct retreats and days of recollection as requested.

For a prayerful and safe environment for all pilgrims who come to the Shrine.  It is necessary to lay underground piping in the Stations to help with the natural water flow and remove some dying trees.

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Last month we compared Mary and Bernadette.  Both followed the will of God in their lives.  We asked if our lives had any similarities to their lives.  If we don't already follow the will of God, we would do well to follow Mary's and Bernadette's examples.  We might not be famous, but we would be assured of our eternal home in Heaven.  We might encounter some problems and hard times, but these have a purpose.  We would be working for God, which brings great satisfaction and joy!

We would like to share with you something that happened a few weeks ago.  A woman came to the Shrine and shared that she had been diagnosed with breast cancer.  She and her daughter always came to the Shrine to pray.  With heavy hearts, they came to pray that 'everything would be okay.'  They prayed, took some blessed water home, and waited for the next doctor's appointment.  The amazing thing was that when they went to the doctor's office, the tumor was gone!  Prayers were answered!  Thank you, Lord!  Thank you, Mary, for asking your Son to help these people!

It is no coincidence then that every year, on November 2nd, All Souls Day, we are asked to pray for the Poor Souls.  Again, this is something that we would be doing every day anyway.  During the month of November, we will be having the Novena of Masses for the Poor Souls.  Below is a form to list your deceased loved ones for this Novena.

Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord, and let Your perpetual light shine upon them.
May they rest in peace.  Amen.

May their souls and all of the souls of the faithfully departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.  Amen.

Name: _________________________________________________

Address: _______________________________________________

City: ____________________________  State: ____  Zip: _______

Email: __________________________________________________

Intentions for the Poor Souls during November

Donation: _________________

Please include my loved ones during All Souls Masses during November








Saturday, June 17, 2017

Our Lady of Fatima, continued

How is your apparition IQ?

Of course, you know that Mary appeared to Bernadette on February 11, 1858 and this is the 100th anniversary of the apparition at Fatima, which occurred May 13, 1917. 

There have been many more apparitions of Mary throughout the ages.  Mary says more in her apparitions than she did in the Bible. 

While at the foot of the cross, Jesus shared His Mother with us.  She then, became our Mother.  She takes up her mantle and comes to us. This is more so now than in Jesus' time.  We know those visits as her apparitions.  It all makes sense because in all her apparitions, Mary asks us to go to her Son and listen to Him.  As in the Bible, she was listening to her Son.  She always points to Him.

Did you know that on April 1870, Julia Harms saw the Blessed Virgin Mary at Our Lady of Lourdes Shrine?  She was the wife of the owner of the Harms Farm, as the Shrine was known before it was sold to the Sisters of the Good Shepherd in 1920. 

We invite you to continue listening to our Lord, as Mary requests. 
Come and share in the 3 days of prayer to St. Ann and St. Joachim, Jesus' grandparents, on July 24, 25, and 26.  We will pray the Rosary at 7:00pm each night, followed by Mass.

In August, the Novena for the Assumption will take place at the Shrine from August 7th through August 15th.  Come join us in prayer.

Monday, April 17, 2017

Faith & Wellness Event - Saturday, April 22nd

 Faith and Wellness Event Webpage

It's a Family Event - sponsored by 107.3 FM The Wave
Bring the kids - they can meet Princess Moana & Spiderman!

11:00am - 3:00pm
Saturday, April 22nd

Warrensville Heights YMCA
4433 Northfield Road, Warrensville Hts.

Come and support the Sisters of the Most Holy Trinity
Sr. Rochelle will be giving a presentation at 2:30pm.

Friday, April 14, 2017

Shrine Season starts May 7th!

Our outdoor season is once again beginning!

On May 7th, we will celebrate the 9:30am Mass outdoors, weather permitting.

To open our season, we have invited Fr. Kevin Estabrook, Parochial Vicar from St. Clare, to celebrate Mass.

We will have Stations of the Cross at 3:00pm
Rosary and Benediction at 4:00pm

OLL-Crucifixion.jpgDid you know that "a plenary indulgence is grated to the faithful, or religious community, or an association of the faithful, and in general when some of the faithful gather for some honest purpose."  Many of you flocked to the Shrine for the indulgence granted for the Holy Door.  You can still receive an indulgence by reciting the Rosary with us here at the Shrine!

Also, keep in mind - the Corpus Christi Procession is on Sunday, June 18th, starting in the Chapel at 3:30pm.

Pasta dinners are scheduled for April 20th, May 18th, and June 15th.

Shrine Season Sunday schedule:

8:00am - Mass in the Chapel
9:30am - Mass in the Grotto (weather permitting)

10:15 - 11:30am - Breakfast in St. Ann's Dining Room
12:00 - 2:30pm - Lunch in St. Ann's Dining Room

3:00pm - Stations of the Cross
4:00pm - Rosary, Homily, Benediction

Gift Shop hours:
Open every day from 10:00 - 4:30pm
For April & May - on Wednesdays - open until 7:00pm
Sundays - open after the 8:00am Mass

Pray, Pray, Pray!

"Pray!  Pray! Pray!"  
This is Mary's message for all people given during her apparitions.  

If you frequent our Shrine, you know that we are faithful to Mary's instructions, and perhaps have experienced Mary's response in your prayers.  

Among some of the comments we received are:
    " Thank you to Our Lady of Lourdes, for her intercession."
    " Our friend's daughter is now pregnant"
    " Improved health for our brother's brain injury."
    " Received employment."

We are sure that many of you could also testify to the efficacy of prayer at Our Lady of Lourdes Shrine.

Do you have any needs or difficulties for which you wish Mary to intercede? 
Bring them here!

Mary, Queen of Peace


Mary, Queen of Peace, we turn to you, our Mother.  
Into your hands we place our prayers.
Protect our unborn.  Help us to value all life.
Four our men and women serving in the military, protect them.
For innocent victims of war and violence, spare them.
For those who mourn and are injured, comfort them.
For all people of all nations, unite them in love and peace of your Son,
the Prince of Peace.
Mary, Queen of Peace, pray for us.

Story of God's Grace during the Year of Mercy

BishopOpensHolyDoor-300x222.jpgSo many stories of grace, mercy, and reconciliation have come to light since "The Year of Mercy" and the Holy Door opening at Our Lady of Lourdes Shrine.  One of the most touching stories was of a woman who was in hospice and requested to visit the Shrine and go through the Holy Door as here "make-a-wish" final request.  Perhaps we have told you about this, but we feel we need to tell the rest of the story.  Not only were we honored to be considered worthy of this wish, but we wanted to honor this wish.  When the woman came, we were so impressed because she came with the nurse, the Activities Director, the driver, an aide, and many members of her family.  Even though the date was set, her physical condition could not guarantee that she would arrive.  While she was here, we talked about how she loved the Shrine and the Blessed Mother.  We looked at the last stained glass window and talked about how she was now the person in the wheelchair, when for so many years before, she had been the one pushing the the wheelchair for others.  She said the most impressive moments were her time praying before the Blessed Sacrament.   Her face was was as if she was once more a young woman.  It seemed that she and the Lord were having a private conversation.  She said that her time was short.

We recently heard that this lovely woman passed away shortly after her wish was fulfilled.  In speaking to her caregivers, we were told that her visit was a real miracle because she was so ill that they could not guarantee getting her out of bed, even getting to sit in a wheelchair was miraculous.  Her last good day was spent at the Shrine.  Knowing that, how much more did those words: "I will be with Jesus soon." and the reference to the wheelchair mean.

After her death, among her things, the family found a silver music box with the figure of Our Lady of Lourdes on it.  The song the music box played was Immaculate Mary.

Sunday, March 5, 2017

This is a picture taken during the Assumption Novena in August 2016.
We had a beautiful double rainbow over Our Lady of Lourdes Shrine.  This picture was taken from the Giant Eagle looking towards the Shrine.

Thank you for attending our Lourdes Novena!  It was so good to pray with you!  I hope you felt the Spirit among us as we prayed.  Many graces were granted during the Novena.  Someone told us that she prayed for her sister in Germany who had melanoma and was cured of it. That is why she comes to the Shrine and will never stop.
Another family told us that their little girl was healed from leukemia.  These are just the stories that we know.

You may remember at this time last year we were telling you that we had the grace of hosting the Holy Door during the Year of Mercy.  So many graces were granted.  So many people reconciled with God, their families, and themselves.

Just because it is officially the end of the Year of Mercy, it does not mean that God stopped being merciful.  The apparitions of Lourdes and Fatima (which will be celebrating its 100th Anniversary soon) are both all about mercy and put God's mercy front and center.  The apparition of Fatima continues and enhances the messages of Lourdes.  Think of the apparitions as a jewel with many facets.  The Lord shines the light upon each apparition highlighting what we need to learn and preparing us for the next one.

Come and visit the Shrine and pray for your intentions.  Ask the Lord for His mercy.  Like St. John, the beloved Disciple, lay your head on the heart of Jesus, the Master.  Feel the call of the Master.

Some upcoming events:
We have Fish Fries on Friday, March 24th and Friday, April 7th.  

Come help us decorate the Chapel for Easter.
Flower donations are due by Sunday, April 9th.
The form for the flower donations is below:

Please Print:
For the Easter Booklet:

Donation Amount for Flowers for the Chapel and Yard: $__________________________________

In Memory Of: ___________________________________________________________________


Name: _________________________________________________________________________

Address: _______________________________________________________________________


City/State/Zip: ___________________________________________________________________

Email Address: ___________________________________________________________________

Prayer Intentions: __________________________________________________________________





Thursday, February 2, 2017


Sunday, February 5th
8:45am - 11:30am
Tickets:  $5.00

Come and celebrate Mass with us at 8:00am in the Chapel and enjoy a delicious French Toast Breakfast afterwards in St. Ann's Dining Room.  Food, Fun, and Fellowship!

  • French Toast
  • Bacon or Sausage
  • Coffee or Tea
  • Juice

If you have questions, call 216-481-8232  (9:00am - 8:00pm)

Prayer to Our Lady of Lourdes

O ever Immaculate Virgin, Mother of Mercy, Health of the Sick, Refuge of Sinners, Comfort of the Afflicted, you know my wants, my troubles, my sufferings;  deign to cast upon me a look of mercy.  By appearing in the Grotto of Lourdes, you were pleased to make it a privileged sanctuary, whence you dispense your favors and already many sufferers have obtained the cure of their infirmities, both spiritual and corporal.  I come, therefore, with unbounded confidence to implore your maternal intercession.  Obtain, O loving Mother, the grant of my request.  I will endeavor to imitate your virtues, that I may one day share in your glory, and bless you in eternity.   Amen.

Name: _____________________________________

Address: ___________________________________


City/State/Zip: _______________________________

Email: ______________________________________

Donation: ___________________________________

Candle Donation:  $20 (1 month) ______    $100 (6 months) ________

Novena Intentions:






Bring this with you to the Chapel or 
Mail to:   
Our Lady of Lourdes Shrine
Sisters of the Most Holy Trinity
21281 Chardon Road
Euclid, OH  44117

The 100th Anniversary of the Apparition at Fatima and, while we are on Our Lady of Lourdes Shrine, the Fatima apparition merely continue's Our Heavenly Mother's message to all of us.  This anniversary comes on the heels of the Year of Mercy.  As always, God's timing is perfect!  Who's to say that last year was a spiritual preparation for this year's celebration?

With that in mind, we would like to share with you one story that occurred during the Year of Mercy, illustrating Our Heavenly Mother's love in our lives.

Two women from southern Ohio telephoned that they were looking for our Shrine, but could not find it.  Their GPS was not getting them in the right direction.  So we stayed with them on the phone, guiding them to our parking lot.  

Once they arrived, they could not find the chapel.  Still on the phone, we asked them what they saw.  All they could see was the wall between the lot and the driveway.  All they had to do was get out of their car and walk to the building with the cross on it.  They still just kept seeing the wall.  

We told them to "look up";  just look up from the bottom of the wall and look beyond.  Just as we were about to go out and help them, they said that they were going to ask a man who has just walked by.  Well, we guess that they made it because there was no further phone call.

That evening at dinner, that story was the topic of conversation.  It seems that all of us knew some part of the story.  The two women were at the Justice Center downtown visiting a relative who had been arrested.  They did not have much means or friends so they felt helpless and defeated.  Somehow, someone mentioned the Shrine to them.  They came to pray for help.

How they got to the Shrine is a miracle.  Someone telling them to "look up"; look beyond the wall was a message.  Their prayers were answered.

Another person guiding them to the chapel was the gentle love of Jesus and His Mother.  We don't know what happened to the family, but we do know that God showed them mercy through Mary.  They came to Mary's home, Mom's home, to receive the love and comfort only a Mother can give.  

We also need to "look up" and not be mired in defeat.  We look up to God's gentle guidance and the signs that He gives us along the way.  

Come and join us for the Lourdes Novena, February 3rd through 11th.  The Rosary will be at 7:00pm followed by Mass and the Novena prayer.  

In addition, on February 3rd, the Feast of St. Blaise, there will be blessing of throats. 

Confessions will be heard on February 4th, 5th, 8th, 9th, and 10th from 6:30pm to 7:00pm.  

Bring your petitions or mail them.  We will place the petitions at the feet of Our Lady of Lourdes.  It's Our Heavenly Mother's maternal love that will bring our prayers to Her Son.  

Our Lady's messages to Bernadette

Let's review the messages that Our Heavenly Mother gave to Bernadette and see how well we are living them.

Holy Mary told Bernadette that she wanted a beautiful chapel built at the sight so that "the people could come in procession to her Son."  She asked Bernadette to pray and to tell the people to pray for sinners.

We know that Bernadette personally followed these instructions, but what about us?  For our purposes, here in Euclid, because of the relics directly from Lourdes, our schedule closely replicating the one in Lourdes, France, and that the Shrine so closely follows the layout of the one in Lourdes, France, we are considered a direct satellite of the Shrine in France.  Consider Lourdes, France to be the Mother Shrine and we are one of its daughters.

We do have a beautiful chapel with all kinds of opportunities to pray for all people.  We do walk in procession to Mary's Son.  This past year, we were given the gift of hosting the Holy Door.  Over 6,000 pilgrims walked through that door from April through October, receiving the mercy of God.  The effects of that mercy were so beautiful.  We remain most faithful to Our Heavenly Mother's instructions.  The faithfulness has been rewarded in many ways.  In future newsletters, we will bring some of those stories.

The next opportunity to follow Our Heavenly Mother's instructions is through the Lourdes Novena.  It begins on Friday, February 3rd and continues through the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes on February 11th.  We will have the Novena with Rosary starting at 7:00pm, followed by Mass and recitation of the Novena prayer.  Confessions will also be heard on designated evenings. See our website for more details: