Monday, April 17, 2017

Faith & Wellness Event - Saturday, April 22nd

 Faith and Wellness Event Webpage

It's a Family Event - sponsored by 107.3 FM The Wave
Bring the kids - they can meet Princess Moana & Spiderman!

11:00am - 3:00pm
Saturday, April 22nd

Warrensville Heights YMCA
4433 Northfield Road, Warrensville Hts.

Come and support the Sisters of the Most Holy Trinity
Sr. Rochelle will be giving a presentation at 2:30pm.

Friday, April 14, 2017

Shrine Season starts May 7th!

Our outdoor season is once again beginning!

On May 7th, we will celebrate the 9:30am Mass outdoors, weather permitting.

To open our season, we have invited Fr. Kevin Estabrook, Parochial Vicar from St. Clare, to celebrate Mass.

We will have Stations of the Cross at 3:00pm
Rosary and Benediction at 4:00pm

OLL-Crucifixion.jpgDid you know that "a plenary indulgence is grated to the faithful, or religious community, or an association of the faithful, and in general when some of the faithful gather for some honest purpose."  Many of you flocked to the Shrine for the indulgence granted for the Holy Door.  You can still receive an indulgence by reciting the Rosary with us here at the Shrine!

Also, keep in mind - the Corpus Christi Procession is on Sunday, June 18th, starting in the Chapel at 3:30pm.

Pasta dinners are scheduled for April 20th, May 18th, and June 15th.

Shrine Season Sunday schedule:

8:00am - Mass in the Chapel
9:30am - Mass in the Grotto (weather permitting)

10:15 - 11:30am - Breakfast in St. Ann's Dining Room
12:00 - 2:30pm - Lunch in St. Ann's Dining Room

3:00pm - Stations of the Cross
4:00pm - Rosary, Homily, Benediction

Gift Shop hours:
Open every day from 10:00 - 4:30pm
For April & May - on Wednesdays - open until 7:00pm
Sundays - open after the 8:00am Mass

Pray, Pray, Pray!

"Pray!  Pray! Pray!"  
This is Mary's message for all people given during her apparitions.  

If you frequent our Shrine, you know that we are faithful to Mary's instructions, and perhaps have experienced Mary's response in your prayers.  

Among some of the comments we received are:
    " Thank you to Our Lady of Lourdes, for her intercession."
    " Our friend's daughter is now pregnant"
    " Improved health for our brother's brain injury."
    " Received employment."

We are sure that many of you could also testify to the efficacy of prayer at Our Lady of Lourdes Shrine.

Do you have any needs or difficulties for which you wish Mary to intercede? 
Bring them here!

Mary, Queen of Peace


Mary, Queen of Peace, we turn to you, our Mother.  
Into your hands we place our prayers.
Protect our unborn.  Help us to value all life.
Four our men and women serving in the military, protect them.
For innocent victims of war and violence, spare them.
For those who mourn and are injured, comfort them.
For all people of all nations, unite them in love and peace of your Son,
the Prince of Peace.
Mary, Queen of Peace, pray for us.

Story of God's Grace during the Year of Mercy

BishopOpensHolyDoor-300x222.jpgSo many stories of grace, mercy, and reconciliation have come to light since "The Year of Mercy" and the Holy Door opening at Our Lady of Lourdes Shrine.  One of the most touching stories was of a woman who was in hospice and requested to visit the Shrine and go through the Holy Door as here "make-a-wish" final request.  Perhaps we have told you about this, but we feel we need to tell the rest of the story.  Not only were we honored to be considered worthy of this wish, but we wanted to honor this wish.  When the woman came, we were so impressed because she came with the nurse, the Activities Director, the driver, an aide, and many members of her family.  Even though the date was set, her physical condition could not guarantee that she would arrive.  While she was here, we talked about how she loved the Shrine and the Blessed Mother.  We looked at the last stained glass window and talked about how she was now the person in the wheelchair, when for so many years before, she had been the one pushing the the wheelchair for others.  She said the most impressive moments were her time praying before the Blessed Sacrament.   Her face was was as if she was once more a young woman.  It seemed that she and the Lord were having a private conversation.  She said that her time was short.

We recently heard that this lovely woman passed away shortly after her wish was fulfilled.  In speaking to her caregivers, we were told that her visit was a real miracle because she was so ill that they could not guarantee getting her out of bed, even getting to sit in a wheelchair was miraculous.  Her last good day was spent at the Shrine.  Knowing that, how much more did those words: "I will be with Jesus soon." and the reference to the wheelchair mean.

After her death, among her things, the family found a silver music box with the figure of Our Lady of Lourdes on it.  The song the music box played was Immaculate Mary.